8 November 2007
Question & Answer Sessions
- What does GPG stand for?
- Gnu Privacy Guard
- What's a good set of Malware-removal tools?
- The "Computer Repair Utility Kit" looks promising.
- Anyone heard of a proxy server that allows for a filter to process web
pages from certain speicified sites?
- Mike Wayne is looking for somthing that will allow GPG-encrypted
files to sit on a server, then allow clients using a specific proxy
server to see the content of those files transparently. If you have
any ideas, get ahold of Mike.
- Why do OpenOffice and Matlab give different answers on a least-square
- Different algorithms? Different precision? Trust Matlab.
Just in case you're interested, you can get Adventure for PalmOS at
Don't ask how this topic came up; it's complicated.
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)