12 July 2007
Question & Answer Sessions
- Virtual hosting sites -- anyone who'll provide a virtual machine?
(10's of Gb and something approximating a T1 or better.)
- No experience here, but keep us informed. It sounds neat.
- Got a Proliant 1600 with Win2003 -- what to do with it? Play with
Win2003 for a while or go straight to some Unixy thing?
- If nothing else, it plays tetris and solitaire. (Either way.)
- How about Solaris -- what's up with that?
- To be the viable alternative, you have to convince people you _are_
a viable alternative.
- Bluetooth thingies -- what's up with that, too?
seems to have the information mab seeks.
- Are there any linux libraries that will play nice with crufty old MFC
- Not us, boss. Uh, uh.
- Why is Drew's Zaurus refusing to pull in more Palm databases after
successfully pulling in some others?
- Nevermind ... under threat of embarassment, the Zaurus decided to
- Accessing Canadian television videos from the US -- can I use some proxy
servers somewhere to get Daily Planet (or Dr. Who, even)?
- Nothing concrete -- try asking around quietly.
iPhone ... blender ... Shrapnel.
got fingerprints?
Elmo ... fire ... laughing ... please stop!
(And other odd videos.)
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)