9 December 2004

Question & Answer Sessions


There's some manager of operations position available at UofM. (Ask Becki if she has more info.)

Free data bisualization tool in 3C?

Ask MJO what SGI recommends. Other than that, don't really know.

Dead computer bits -- want 'em?

Contact MRW -- he know's who might take them.

How about live ones?

Contact MRW -- he know's who _might_ take them. Check out FreeCycle for possibility. Also, "Craig's List."

Is anyone using Solaris 10?

Doesn't sound like it. It might be worth tinkering with, though.

LDAP authentication to AD (user/password)

Ask Chris Polk. Check the Sun Admin/Manager web site for a white paper on this.

Web browser for Palm OS that doesn't suck?

If nothing else, check out iambic-mail for pop/imap services. Steve King is using NetFront, which sucks less than blazer. Opera has a Palm browser, but it's in beta.

Content management roll tool? (What?)

Try looking for "content management promotion" as an alternative term for the action.


What's Cool?

MP3s                                   VoIP
Portable storage                       PDF
Writeable storage                      Digital photography
ink-jet printers                       Googe
laser printers               
iSilo                                  Monster / Dice
bejeweled                              Blogs (esp. LiveJournal)
Popcat games                           Online banking/CC/trading
Playstation2 / Xbox                    eBay
Tivo / Replay                          /.
Clie                                   Costco
NetFlix                                GPS
Cell phones (Sayno, especially)        Open source software

Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)

Landmark ("EST II") has been sued for practicing medicine without a license and is officially banned at an unnamed auto manufacturer. More on this at:

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