9 December 2004
Question & Answer Sessions
- Jobs?
- There's some manager of operations position available at UofM. (Ask
Becki if she has more info.)
- Free data bisualization tool in 3C?
- Ask MJO what SGI recommends. Other than that, don't really know.
- Dead computer bits -- want 'em?
- Contact MRW -- he know's who might take them.
- How about live ones?
- Contact MRW -- he know's who _might_ take them. Check out FreeCycle
for possibility. Also, "Craig's List."
- Is anyone using Solaris 10?
- Doesn't sound like it. It might be worth tinkering with, though.
- LDAP authentication to AD (user/password)
- Ask Chris Polk. Check the Sun Admin/Manager web site for
a white paper on this.
- Web browser for Palm OS that doesn't suck?
- If nothing else, check out iambic-mail for pop/imap services.
Steve King is using NetFront, which sucks less than blazer.
Opera has a Palm browser, but it's in beta.
- Content management roll tool? (What?)
- Try looking for "content management promotion" as an alternative
term for the action.
What's Cool?
Portable storage PDF
Writeable storage Digital photography
ink-jet printers Googe
laser printers
iSilo Monster / Dice
bejeweled Blogs (esp. LiveJournal)
Popcat games Online banking/CC/trading
Playstation2 / Xbox eBay
Tivo / Replay /.
Clie Costco
NetFlix GPS
Cell phones (Sayno, especially) Open source software
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)
Landmark ("EST II") has been sued for practicing medicine without a
license and is officially banned at an unnamed auto manufacturer.
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