11 November 2004

Question & Answer Sessions

Anyone interested in an HDTV group buy?

Not for the puny discount it gets you.

Does anyone make a 100 _hub_ anymore?

Check google -- there's some Asian company out there. (Call Black Box -- they're find it and get it to you if you're at a Large Auto Company.) Also, see:

Multiple LCD monitor experience?

Check out -- they've got all sorts of stuff.

Speakeasy recommendations?

Last we heard, they're still "geek friendly," but SBC is being _very_ anticompetitive.

Mapping the motherboard?

Take every number and word on the motherboard and start throwing them at Google. When you find a picture of the motherboard, look for a manual you can download. Also, look for a CD that may have come with it.

You can also back-trace from the FCC ID.

Any good source for really cheap Intel boxes? (Systems, preferably, not just components.)

eBay. Or put a removeable hard drive in your current machine.

POE scripts?

We don't know.

Experience with large-format Epson printers?

Troy's having issues printing from Photoshop. (It doesn't know how to print things that large.) If you to use some external RIP processor.

Check out Qimage.

Got any suggestions for centralized web admin tools?

Try to use the same versions of things on all the machines; use ssh and sudo.

How about cook, geek gifts for 2004? has a few suggestions.

Where can I get a 5-minute BGP HowTo?

Use OSPF and default routes for what Troy is trying to do.

Cell phone pass-through?

For computer use, you want to use Sprint. Don't try to use a regular modem with it, it ain't gonna work.


Cool! Keep up on future displays with the help of:

Opinions on the Garmin 2610?

Doesn't sound like it.


Where _is_ MJO?

Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)

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