13 November 2003
Steve King brought in one of the Gyricon demo units with their "electronic paper." It's aimed at displays that change a few times a day, such as stores, restaurants, hotels, etc. The demo unit is entirely wireless, being battery powered and having a 802.11b card. Lots of tiny little beads (40 mils) with two colors, that can be charged. The charge of the field controls which side of the bead faces up/out/forward. The effective dpi on this is about 100. Due to the way the charged surfaces are handle, it does (in effect) its own antialiasing. Right now, the product could be though of as a character-based terminal. Gyricon is working on a graphics matrix driven display, but there are a trade-offs with their current character layout (resolution, addressability, controller multiplexing, and so on). (Lots of questions and idea thrown around by Steve and the audience.) It's cool stuff. Keep your eyes open for it.