10 July 2003
Question & Answer Sessions
- Change jobs or not: Lear (UTA)?
- One person's experience was: "You know that 'C' students
have to go _somewhere_."
- Troy is on a quest for rack-mountable stuff. Suggestions?
- UofM property disposal. Go there.
- Is there a better way to change one XML to another XML with something
other than XSLT?
- Nope.
- Who wants chips?
- I do! I do!
- Is PostgreSQL multithreated in a way that a single query can use more
than one CPU?
- No. Spend the money for Oracle if this is a big issue for you.
- Any experience with PHP's new default database?
- PHP is going to change their default database support due to
MySQL changing their licensing. No idea what the new default
is like, though.
- Is it true that the Kiva Conference Center is going to be turned into
a suite of offices?
- Not the room itself.
- Jobs?
- Post info to the mailing list if you got 'em. Or if you want 'em.
- Anybody familiar with RAID on IBM Netfinity servers? (Linux)
- If you've got ideas, let us know.
- Any other questions?
- No.
"High Performance TCP and Web100" with Thomas Hacker
[Tom speaks quickly ... and flashes through slides even faster!]
Modern Techniques: is unfair in congested networks works, but can be unfair
... and lots of other interesting stuff.
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)