19 October 2000
Question & Answer Sessions
- Is there a clear cause for Clearcase? If the big department moves, should
the little department?
- It takes a lot of disk space. If your source control works, stick
with it. Moving sources can be messy.
"Has anyone migrated out of Clearcase?" It's _very_ difficult.
- What questions does Troy have this month?
- Anyone got any free/cheap Cisco hardware?
- What's up with Ameritech? Whoda thunk it?
- Ameritech is being stupid about lines. DS3s are being reset by
techs for no explainable reason.
They're doing odd things.
- Has anyone included an "NIS included map" in an NIS inclued map?
- Well . . . no. Why would you want to do that?
- Where will MJO end up?
- Somewhere in South-eastern Michigan.
- Will MJO hurt Chris for implying MJO is Troy? (You following this?)
- Not in anyway that anyone can prove.
- Can I write to a DOS partition if I'm not root?
- Put something line this in your /etc/fstab:
/dev/hda1 /dos/c: vfat uid=101,gid=105,umask=0007 1 1
Check that man page for 'mount' for more information.
- Where can Gabe find a siren to buy or borrow?
- Nope.
"I've got a cat. A Siamese!" -- Becki
- Why to Macs broadcast from at boot
- Marginal stupidity? No, that's what bootp is supposed to broadcast
to, according to the RFC. Don't panic.
- How well does Mirapoint work?
- It's very loud. Ask Becki again next month.
- Why did Mandrake decide that it had no processes left for all run levels
at boot time?
- Perhaps it lost its /etc/inittab. Try booting as single user and
specifying that /bin/sh is init.
A small company, fully owned by Seagate to do storage area networks (SANs).
NFS, CIFS are the current models for sharing disk space.
SAN is
- a new server-to-storage network
- externalizes storage "away from" servers
- allows centralization of storage
- facilitates sharing of storage devices
- improves performace (100 MB/s)
- still utilizes SCSI as the "command set"
SAN ...
... is not a LAN
... does not connect users to servers
... does not run TCP/IP (usually)
... does not directly manage clustering (by itself)
That is, SAN enables clustering, but doesn't do it itself
Fibre channel is the media of choice for SANs. It offers 100MB/s
full duplex transfers and is defined as an ANSI standard. It's
supported by industry associations FCIA ( and
SAN allows for much more flexibility implementing RAID. For example, it
allows you to change RAID levels on the fly. Capacity and throughput can
be dynamically configured.
Neat stuff.
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)
Keep your eyes open -- Seagate has 144Gb drives.