21 September 2000
Question & Answer Sessions
- Who still programs in Perl?
- Some folks.
- Net-booting FreeBSD -- anyone done it?
- Nope.
- Anyone need a roommate/housemate?
- 2 females looking for housing in Dearborn or Royal Oak. If you can
help out, contact Troy.
- What's the word on The Linux Box?
- "I've seen their sign in the window." No one's really familiar with
them. Matt Benjamin is the president, if that helps.
- -- anyone know about them?
- Seemed like an interesting company. They do something for automating
phone companies. Maybe. They have offices in AA, Israel, and London.
Their domain is, if that helps.
- Anyone have IP mangling software for Visteon to use in an enterprise
- QIP is one option, but you probably knew that.
- Any experience with USB audio?
- Rumor has it that it runs your CPU into the ground.
- Why is Troy running Win2K?
- He has a dual-processor system that he want's to play games on.
- How badly should we abuse him?
- No more then we normally do.
- Why won't Win2K power down like every other @#$%@ Windows box?
- Check the jumpers, BIOS, etc.
- What about SEMiBUG?
- It's the second Wednesday of each month in Troy (Michigan, not the
programmer). Check it out.
- Jobs: Got any?
- Cisco is hiring again. Networking stuff.
- Ideas for HTTP (i.e. stateless) gaming interfaces?
- You can (a) use cookies, (b) use GET/PUT games, or (c) pass
in the URL. You can also hold the port open and keep sending
- What version of Cyrus makes senst to use with LDAP authentication
right now.
- Talk to Jeff Haas later. (Hint: try talking to someone at Merit.)
Talk to SCS about a "How to get speakers" presentation.
If you have suggestions for speakiers and/or presentations, let MJO,
Becki, or Gabe know.
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)
Why haven't we seen John Drystadt in a while?