11 May 2000
Question & Answer Sessions
- What are we driving so far for not-washington-street-station?
- Habit.
- Java?
- Don't remember the whole question and the asker has left.
- Remote computing?
- Don't remember the whole question and the asker has left.
- Palm vs. Visor: Which is better?
- The palm users like their palms and the visor users like their
visors. Go figure.
- Download (Intel) Solaris binaries and source without buying the whole
development kit?
- Registered Sun developers can get the CD for about $30. You
can register at their web site.
- Or does someone have a Solaris system that someone can play with?
- If so, write to
- Any favorite mpeg players?
- Rio. Rio5. Nomad. Diamond. Sony has a couple. Rio is a good
- Any favorite digital cameras?
- No comments.
- Where can Troy borrow for a while (or buy) a WinCE box?
- HP might allow a demo unit.
- Any experience with fiber channel disks (external, raided) under Linux.
- Nope.
- Looking for a 486 box to have/borrow/buy?
- U of M Property Dispostion. eBay.
- Performance comparison between and postfix and qmail?
- No one knows.
- Is there a better POP3 daemon than qpopper (performancewise)?
- How about an IMAP server with a timeout level? Someone mentioned
- What's Steve Gibbard up to? (I.e. why isn't he at wwnet)
- He quit. And he can't stop smiling.
- Does PostgreSQL 7.0 pass the "acid" test?
- The writes may not be atomic, according to rumors. Check Slashdot
for more information.
- Who has the more accurate distance calculater: Covad or Northpoint?
- Northpoint does a grid calculation. No idea what Covad does.
An ISP should have gear for determining this electronicly.
- Is there any significant difference in the service to be had from Covad
versus Northpoint?
- You probably don't want to worry about this.
- Shell limits under Linux: any problems changing them?
- Redhad 6.2 was the environment. No one else has experienced this.
- Mounting a CD from a linux box to a Solaris box (NFS) and had problems.
Any suggestions?
- Make sure the read-only flags are in order on both machines.
- Oracle has these $199 boxes - what's the deal?
- "I saw a news blurb." -- several voices
- Keyboard isn't working since moving a machine. Any suggestions for how
to deal with this?
- Make sure the motherboard isn't grounding out the keyboard.
- Can I get DSL from another provider if I lie about who my local loop
provider is?
- No one's ever heard of this.
- Has anybody sold photographs?
- If you have any experience, write to Troy.
- Is it just Gabe's imagination, or has someone been stealing the tables
from this room?
- We could say, but we'd have to kill you.
- Is there a way to get services from a different CO?
- Yes, but it's mostly internal phone company politics.
- Are there any sysadmin position available?
- UUnet is hiring. Contact for more information.
Will is a security geek
PKI isn't rocket science. Win2000 has it (to some degree). Sun will ship
a PKI library with Solaris 2.8. Win2000 containers are incompatible with
the rest of the world (surprise!).
Will someone turn my PGP key into a CA-signed key?
509.v3 packages allow one signature; PGP allows multiple signatures
as well as pictures. PGP doesn't want people converting to anything
else; they want PGP to be adopted as a standard. The 509.v3 camp
doesn't recognize the PGP model for authentication.
A CA is only as good as it's ability to verify an entity. Verisign is
a good example of a CA with close-to-meaningless verification process.
Chad is a security weenie
Ford's intranet uses a cookie-oriented public key authentication scheme.
Various servers broker various public-key-cookies.
The new scheme plays off of the fact that a 509 cert. can contain another
509 cert. (This is a Keon setup.)
Mobility, Authentication, Access Control are the three axese upon which
one can compare PKI systems.
(Too much information from too many angles during both presentations to
really do a good job of writing it all down.)
Akenti is some sort of 509 hierarchical authentication game. Could be
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)
There's supposed to be a presentation on NFS v4 next month.