9 December 1999
Question & Answer Sessions
- Jobs wanted/needed? Sysadmin? AA? Detroit? Devo?
- Malka is looking for an entry-level sysadmin position. (Talk to Jason
Larke at UUnet. UofM is also a good place.)
- Looking for a group to validate ASAM (German automotive standards
committee) standards. ITI would have been ideal, but who now?
- If so, contact Bill Debs (
- VA Linux for $30 -- has anyone managed to get the IPO at that price? If
so, are they buying tonight.
- Nope. Sorry.
- Recommendations for CDR/W for a PC?
- HP. Yamaha. Anything else may useful for turning out coasters.
Spend the extra bucks for SCSI, if possible.
- Recommentations for inexpensive PCMCIA wireless stuff?
- WaveLan cards come highly recommended.
- Good paging software? (Hylafax doesn't count.)
- Use sendpage, but not the one that comes with Hylafax. Write to
Gabe; ask him where to get it. (Or ask him to mail it.)
LISA -- Becki Kain and hecklers
[get notes from BK]
[get slide from BK]
The C Days of Y2K - as performed at LISA 1999 / Seattle, Washington
On the first day of Y2K, my server said to me:
On the second day of Y2K, my server said to me:
/var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the third day of Y2K, my server said to me:
stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the fourth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the fifth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the sixth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the seventh day of Y2K, my server said to me:
can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the eighth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January,
On the ninth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full,
and it's January, 1970.
On the A day of Y2K, my server said to me:
out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle,
/var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the B day of Y2K, my server said to me:
enter system password, out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is
down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
On the C day of Y2K, my server said to me:
enter system password, out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is
down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please) will be up soon.