11 March 1999
Question & Answer Sessions
- Reverse map DNS: how does it work? A public library has stupidly long
fully qualified domain names and is trying to deal with it.
- (This is actually a forward resolution problem, in this case.) The
book with the locust on the front (O'Reilly) has most of what you
need. You may need to work with your provider to delegate the
routing to your local DNS.
Typing 'man dig' may have a lot of useful information for this
situation. The cricket book is highly recommended, too.
- When reshuffling a network, how to ... map MAC addresses to IP addresses?
- None of the comments are pretty. If tcpdumping may be the quick,
brute-force approach. Interrogating the switches and hubs may
be possible, but it can be messy. Also, with the all the IPX
traffic that's going over that network, it may get even messier.
SAMBA may prove useful.
Pinging all of the IP addresses and mapping the results may be
ugly, but it's straightforward.
- Any one want free, cheap hardware? (Monitors, Sun 3x stuff, 386s, etc.)
- Yes! (Thanks for the modem, Troy.) Talk to Troy if you're interested.
- Steve Arlow has vague concerns about puting a root file system on a RAID.
Should he really be concerned?
- Well ... maybe. As long as you're comfortable with the idea, you
should be okay. If you're going to get nervous about it, don't.
- Can we put the origins of SEMiSLUG on the web page.
- Yes.
- The Washtenaw Community College chapter of the Association of
Information Technology Professionals is looking for a speaker. Their
first meeting is Tuesday, April 6th. Wanna go?
- Send mail to Gabe for more information.
- Troy is looking for SGI boxes; r5k or above. Got any?
- Not really. What a while.
- What's Troy's status regarding jobs and housemates?
- He's got a new job, but is keeping his eyes open. He's got a new
house with three extra bedrooms to fill. "Troy's Home for Wayward
For the most part, we discussed the worrisome state of bandwidth availability
in the area. Too much of what's available is too poorly administered.
Rumor & Innuendo (No names, please)
- "Gabe's not just cute; he's also twisted." -- Anon.
- Bring toys next month. Plug them in.
- The Building Formerly Known as ITI has been sold back to the
University of Michigan. No telling what they'll do with it.
- MediaOne has turned on digital video in the northern Ann Arbor