SEMiSLUG 11 July 1996
Question and Answer Sessions
- Where are the cookies.
- "On the counter at home." -- Gabe
- What is the study of liquid permiability in cell membranes and why did their server crash?
- Osmotic tension. Beats me.
- Cheap sync card for PC?
- Try using Alta Vista and see what you can find.
- Got a nameserver to secondary an ISP? (Lots of domains.)
- Paul seems to have found some suggestions.
- What was that about ethernet?
- Paul might want to put a box on one.
- Better fsck for Linux?
- Not that any one knows of. Try asking Remy Card about it.
- What bar?
- Arbor Brewing Company. (Formerly Washington Street Station.)
- Anyone used AutoFS (an automounter) under IRIX6?
- Nope.
- What's good for Win95 backup?
- Arcada Backup (Seagate).
- IP Win95 remote access screen-sharing thingie?
- Broadway?
- Sun 4 hardware?
- None available.
- Dogbert experience? (Netscape 4)
- Uh ... nope.
- How do you get netscape to share bookmarks between netscape under DOS and Linux?
- Make sure you're running the same version on each side.
- Replacement for mailtool? Something with nested folders?
- The next version of Netscape (v4 aka Dogbert) should have a much better one.
- Bob Gizberg?
- Sorry, not here.
- Sun 3 ... other HW takers?
- Seems to have been resolved.
- Hostname generator ideas?
- Post to alt.sysadmin.recovery. There's actually a thread about this.
- IRda interfaces to plug into a serial port?
- HP?
- What IRda be?
- InfraRed data aquisition.
- When is Virtual Resources Corp. going of offer PICS support?
- Iain had to leave. Ask him yourself later.
- WebNFS?! CIFS?!
- Lots of rumor, but nothing definite.
- Habanero?
- Yum. Collaberative Java thing. No news.
- CERN Java server?
- As much news as Habanero?
- Wanna write articles for a web journal? (It pays.)
- Write Web Words With Wally! is looking for writers. Go check them out.
- ME's to do software support?
- Keep asking around; someone's bound to know some.
- Shall we take a break?
- Yes.
The Presentation Presentation (By Iain)
Rumor and Innuendo (no names, please)
- Big auction this weekend. Benton Harbor Zenith systems. See Detroit papers from this last weekend.
- HP stock dropped 15% today. They're out of the diskdrive biz.